「Living in Japan」カテゴリーアーカイブ
What should I remember in regard to Japanese Business Etiquette?
Keep your hands out of your pockets whil … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: FAQ, Living in Japan
How do I book a hotel?
With the Internet at hand, it is really … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: FAQ, Living in Japan
Where are good places for walking and running in Tokyo?
It is nice to run or walk in parks or by … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: FAQ, Living in Japan
What is sake?
Sake, of course, is a very popular Japan … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: FAQ, Living in Japan
How do you drink sake?
Sake can be served both cold or hot,, ho … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: FAQ, Living in Japan